Customer Testimonials

Our goal is to bring new life to your home. Read through the testimonials below to learn how our customers feel about working with us.

“I have used Dobson Construction at my cabin. He installed our plumbing and has done several remodeling jobs. He is a craftsman and a real pro. I would highly recommend him.”
Mike G. | Danville, CA

“Chris and the whole Dobson Construction team have been a dream to work with. We are ecstatic with the results, but more than that, Chris had an amazing grasp of the project throughout. He was so helpful in explaining each phase, what to expect, and how it would look. He’s the only contractor I will work with again.”

Matt P. | Arbuckle, CA

“We love the addition that Chris built. I was quite anxious before enbarking on this endeavor. Yet, Chris brought a sense of calm over the course of the project. You can feel confident knowing that your home is in good hands with Dobson Construction!”

Marilyn G. | Alamo, CA